Dr. Mariam Jashi – CEO of the Global Sepsis Alliance and Global Board Member of the UNITE Parliamentarians Network for Global Health, joined the 4th Ministerial Conference on AMR and the 2nd Plenary Assembly of the AMR Multi-stakeholder Partnership Platform in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on November 14-16, 2024.
The Global Sepsis Alliance and UNITE continue awareness-raising efforts among political and global health leaders on the critical importance to synergize AMR and Sepsis advocacy and policy solutions. In fact, the estimated 4.95 million AMR-related deaths are part (36%) of the 13.66 million Sepsis-related annual deaths, and every high-level political dialogue should continuously reflect this important link.
Within the framework of the Jeddah Ministerial Conference and the 2nd Plenary Assembly, Dr. Jashi had a possibility to discuss the 2030 Global Agenda for Sepsis and its importance to the AMR challenge, with the following representatives of national governments and parliaments:
H.E. Hosams Abu Meri - Minister of Health of Latvia
H.E. Dr. Sabin Nsanzimana - Minister of Health of Rwanda
Prof. Dr. Edgar Franke - Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Health of Germany
Dr. Rosena Allin-Khan - Member of the UK Parliament
Hon. Margaret Muhanga Mugisa - Minister of State for Health of Uganda.
During the visit, Dr. Jashi also had a unique opportunity to interact and discuss the importance of the 2030 Global Agenda for Sepsis for AMR with Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus - WHO Director-General, Dr. Hanan Balkhy - WHO Regional Director for Eastern Mediterranean, Dr. Hans Kluge - WHO Regional Director for Europe, Dr. Yukiko Nakatani - WHO Assistant Director-General for AMR and other colleagues from the World Health Organization.
The GSA’s CEO had a bilateral meeting with Dr. Benedetta Allegranzi - Technical Unit Head for the IPC Taskforce and the Global IPC Network of WHO, to review the ongoing collaboration and future partnership priorities of WHO HIS Department and GSA.
Mariam Jashi discussed the 2030 Sepsis agenda and future priorities for the advancement of the Sepsis and AMR agenda with Dr. David Ripin – Executive Vice President of the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI); Peter Beyer – GARDP Deputy Executive Director; Dr. Ali Tala Asiri - Director General of the Saudi Patient Safety Centre; Damiano de Felice - Chief of External Affairs, CARB-X; John Alter - AMR Action Fund, Head of External Affairs; Dr. Uzma Syed - Director of the Antimicrobial Stewardship Center of Excellence, Good Samaritan University Hospital and Katherine Urbáez - Executive Director of the Health Diplomacy Alliance. GSA CEO also used the opportunity to briefly discuss the new global Sepsis agenda with leaders and senior policymakers in global health of the Wellcome Trust, the World Bank, IFPMA, and the BEAM Alliance.
The Global Sepsis Alliance and the Regional Sepsis Alliances for Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Eastern Mediterranean, Latin America, and the Caribbeans will further strengthen advocacy efforts with national governments, UN agencies, and multiple stakeholders from public, private, academic, and civil society sectors on the urgency of action for Sepsis and on the critical need to synergize AMR and Sepsis response.